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  5. Chest Gym Equipment
Dhaka, Mirpur, 15/12/2024

Multi Station Home Gym Machine

A Multi-Station Home Gym Machine is an all-in-one fitness equipment designed for home use, offering multiple workout stations in one compact setup. It's ideal for full-body workouts because it provides a variety of exercises that target different muscle groups, often combining strength training with some cardio or flexibility elements. Here’s a breakdown: Key Features: Multiple Workout Stations: Each "station" on the machine is designed for a specific type of exercise, such as: Chest Press/Bench Press: For upper body and chest. Leg Extension/Curl: To work on quadriceps, hamstrings, and other leg muscles. Lat Pulldown: For back and shoulder muscles. Pec Deck/Fly Station: For pectoral and shoulder muscles. Low Pulley/Seated Row: For biceps, back, and triceps. Cable System: Allows for a variety of exercises using handles, pulleys, and r ...
Multi Station Home Gym MachineMulti Station Home Gym MachineMulti Station Home Gym MachineMulti Station Home Gym MachineMulti Station Home Gym MachineMulti Station Home Gym MachineMulti Station Home Gym Machine
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