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Dhaka, Gulshan, 16/11/2024

Land for Sale in Kamlapur

Address: 59/1, Atish Dipankar Road, Kamalapur , Dhaka- 1214 Location: Kamalapur , Dhaka Property Size: 9.0666 Katha/14.69 Decimal Current Building Capacity: 34,728 sft Interested person/organization/customer can buy the Land and Building including Assets of a Commercial Building just beside the Kamlapur Stadium, currently used as a knit and oven manufacturing garments in Bangladesh The factory is currently in operation The location lies just beside the main road and is of 9.0666 Katha/ 14.96 Decimal Show more
Land for Sale in Kamlapur
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  • It's safer not to pay ahead for inspections
  • Ask friends or somebody you trust to accompany you for viewing
  • Look around the apartment to ensure it meets your expectations
  • Don't pay beforehand if they won't let you move in immediately
  • Verify that the account details belong to the right property owner before initiating payment