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Chattogram, Agrabad, 12/10

GAMING-BRAND NEW-Core i5-3.40Ghz-16Gb-Ssd128Gb-HD19" FHD

📍📍📍📍 Core i5-3.40GHZ>3TH Generation GEN=SSD 128GbGB=16Gb>1000Gb>H61 ✅ →Motherboard : Brand New Original Intel Asus H61 DDR3-USB3 Monitor Brand New Value Top HD19" Fhd-3Year warranty ✅ →Processor: Intel Core i5-3.40Ghz 3th Gen HDD BRAND WD 1000GB>SATA SSD 128Gb GB-SATA ✅→Ram: Brand New 16GB Ddr3 2Years- Warranty ✅ →Casing-Brand-New Salm Value Top keyboard mouse Combo RGB ✅ →Location Agrabad=Chowmuhoni.CTG ✅ →Keyboard-Brand New-Model-RX- 488--USB ✅ → Mouse-Brand New-Dell--USB ✅ → Windows:- 10 or 11 Install ✅ → 🪴Graphics driver install --------------------------------------------- 2-Bijoy Bayanno-2011-2012Softwear Install- 1-Microsoft office-2010-2013-2016 3-eScan Anti Vairas Install ------------------------------------------- Photo Editing Softwaer- 1- Adobe Photoshop cs8- Adobe Photoshop cc 2- Adobe illustrator Adobe illustrator ...
GAMING-BRAND NEW-Core i5-3.40Ghz-16Gb-Ssd128Gb-HD19" FHDGAMING-BRAND NEW-Core i5-3.40Ghz-16Gb-Ssd128Gb-HD19" FHD
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